MEW Mobile: the Best Wallet for Base Base has quickly become one of the most popular Layer 2 networks. MEW Mobile makes it easy to use Base and connect to Base dApps on the go.
Swapping on Base with MEW Mobile Swapping on Base is easy thanks to MEW Mobile. Read our guide for help swapping crypto on Base.
Bridge from Ethereum to Base with MEW Mobile Need to bridge assets from Ethereum to Base? It's your lucky day! Check out our guide for help bridging crypto to Base using MEW Mobile.
How and Why to Use a Blockchain Explorer A blockchain explorer shows you what's happening onchain. From balances to transactions to NFTs, an explorer helps you navigate Ethereum.
Why Decentralization Matters You may have heard of "decentralization" before. But what exactly does it mean and why do crypto people care about it so much?
Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake You may have heard of Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS). Bitcoin uses one while Ethereum uses the other. But what are the differences?
L3s for Beginners Everything you need to know in order to get started on Layer 3 (L3) chains. Read L3s for Beginners to learn about or refresh your memory on L3s!
L2s for Beginners In order to scale Ethereum, developers created "layers" of networks and applications known as Layer 2's. Learn all about L2 blockchains.
Swapping on BNB Smart Chain with MEW Mobile MEW Mobile wallet is going multichain. Follow our step-by-step guide for help swapping assets on BNB Smart Chain using MEW Mobile wallet app!
Bridge from Ethereum to BNB Smart Chain with MEW Mobile Wanna move assets from Ethereum to BNB Smart Chain? Get started with the help of our dedicated bridging guide!
Bridge from Ethereum to zkSync Era with MEW Mobile Bridging from Ethereum is scary, especially the first time. That's why we created a step-by-step guide for bridging to zkSync Era from Ethereum!
Use Goverland with MEW Mobile Goverland enables users to engage with their favorite DAO's and participate in governance via their mobile wallet. Check out Goverland in MEW!